Nastavení soukromí a cookies

Souhlasem se sdílením dat nám poskytnete informace, které potřebujeme pro zlepšování, analýzu a marketing napříč těmito webovými stránkami. Dále souhlasíte s předáním údajů třetím stranám a mimo EU. Prohlašujeme, že Vámi poskytnuté informace jsou zabezpečeny proti zneužití.

Nastavení soukromí a cookies

Souhlasem se sdílením dat nám poskytnete informace, které potřebujeme pro zlepšování, analýzu a marketing napříč těmito webovými stránkami. Dále souhlasíte s předáním údajů třetím stranám a mimo EU. Prohlašujeme, že Vámi poskytnuté informace jsou zabezpečeny proti zneužití.

Dejte nám prosím vědět, která data nám a našim partnerům dovolíte zpracovat.

Technická data

Trvale zapnuto

Webové stránky potřebují technická data pro správné fungování. Bez těchto dat by nebylo možné například vyhledávat, přehrát video nebo dokončit objednávku v e-shopu.

Analytické a statistické údaje

Analytické a statistické údaje nám pomáhají pochopit, jaké funkce jsou vaše oblíbené, co nám na webu nefunguje, jaké zařízení pro prohlížení stránek používáte a mnoho dalších.


Join our satisfied employees

We are a Czech company that takes care of its employees. We build a mutually correct relationship and create a pleasant working environment for those who can appreciate it.


We are one of the largest employers in the region

Based on the regional surveys in our field, we are regularly evaluated as an above-standard employer with an above-average wage. We try to adapt the corporate benefits we provide so that they have a motivating effect. We provide an opportunity for career growth.

We are one of the largest employers in the region


People in KASKO

There are almost 400 of us. From young to experienced. Some have been with our company since the beginning of its founding, some are recent graduates. Who wants to work here has the opportunity to grow, regular wages, and interesting benefits. Every year, we conduct an employee satisfaction survey and take suggestions to heart. We believe that this also contributes to the fact that people have been with us for a long time. Even after leaving KASKO, many people return to "their KASKO". It makes us happy and enriches us.


How do we take care of our employees?

We behave decently and correctly. We perceive the needs of our employees and try to create a pleasant working environment. How we take care of our employees is reflected in their work and loyalty. We have long-term employees. Most new employees are on the recommendation of our employees. We are a well-known and important employer in our region.

5 weeks off
5 weeks off

All our employees have 5 weeks off. This is one week of vacation in addition to the state standard.

Contribution to leisure activities
Contribution to leisure activities

We contribute to our employees' free time - for example to visit the cinema or the ZOO. After work, employees should rest well.

Health care allowance
Health care allowance

We support our employees in visiting fitness centers and purchasing sports equipment.

Christmas bonus (thirteenth salary)
Christmas bonus (thirteenth salary)

Our employees receive Christmas bonuses. Their size is proportional to the economic results. If the company is doing well, let the employees feel it too.

Catering allowance
Catering allowance

We contribute to our employees beyond the legal framework for regular meals.

Company catering
Company catering

Within our complex there is a company canteen, where we provide company meals for our employees (as well as pensioners).

Pension insurance
Pension insurance

We contribute to supplementary pension insurance.

Above bonuses for shift operation
Above bonuses for shift operation

We pay contributions HIGHER than stipulated by the state to our shift employees (3 shift or continuous operation).

Liability insurance paid by the employer
Liability insurance paid by the employer

An error can occur. That is why we pay liability insurance to our employees. To all and from the first day of employment.

Interesting rewards for improvement proposals
Interesting rewards for improvement proposals

We encourage entrepreneurship and good ideas. If our employee makes an idea for improvement and it has an economic benefit, we pay interesting rewards for this benefit.

... and other benefits increase every year!

Currently offered positions

Fotografie k pozici


The main task is to perform mechanical maintenance and electrical maintenance of machinery.

Fotografie k pozici


You will perform routine and preventive maintenance and emergency mold repairs.

Fotografie k pozici


You will operate injection molding machines. Occasionally you will do some light assembly work.

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